Thinking Of Living In A Retirement Village?

Retirement Village - Ebook (old)

When the children leave home and a retirement date is starting to become visible on the horizon, a move to a smaller property is often on many people’s minds.

For some, this will be simple downsizing, but for many, the benefits of living in a retirement village start to become more tangible. However, the decision can be quite overwhelming and what things do you need to consider?
We offer an E-book that helps to answer some of those important questions that you need to consider when making your decision.

Fill in the form below to receive an electronic Ebook to your inbox to help you start your journey.

Request an E-book
Some of the questions the E-book will help answer.
  • What lifestyle do you want, what facilities do you need
  • Does the village offer communial living
  • Do I own or lease an appartment
  • What kind of care facilities do they offer
  • Are there hidden costs
About Us

The Alandale Foundation bought the Village in 1996 and owns the land on which the village is located. The Village is run by a small team and governed by a Board of Trustees made up of resident and non-resident trustees. Being a charitable organisation means that profits from Alandale are reinvested into the community for the benefit of current and future residents.

Contact Us
P: 07 854 0468
F: 07 854 0680
Alandale Village
1199 River Road
Hamilton 3210